Our Mission

We are taking our efforts to the next level at Hinshaw as we double down on our commitment to diversity and expand our initiatives throughout the firm. We believe that a successful diversity, equity, and inclusion program requires intentionality across three initiatives—attorney development, relationship building, and civic engagement. Our attorney development is aimed at making our diverse attorneys the best in their field. Our relationship building helps form bonds of trust that make our teams stronger and more inclusive. Our civic engagement enables us to be leaders and agents of change in our respective communities. Hinshaw understands that diversity, equity, and inclusion cannot be successful in isolation.

We are proud to share that Hinshaw has committed to the following impactful DE&I initiatives:

Diversity Committee

Our Diversity Committee is comprised of key stakeholders across the firm. Members collaborate on a regular basis to review and ensure the advancement of our three-fold Diversity, Equity & Inclusion initiatives at Hinshaw.

Diversity Committee Member, Heather LaSalle AlexisHeather LaSalle Alexis

New Orleans

Diversity Committee Member, Albert Angelo

Albert Angelo


Diversity Committee Member, Katherine Coba

Katherine Coba

Diversity Committee Member, Barbara Fernandez

Barbara Fernandez


Diversity Committee Member, Pedro Hernandez

Pedro Hernandez


Diversity Committee Member, Min Kang

Min Kang
Los Angeles

Diversity Committee Member, Jason Kim

Jason Kim

Los Angeles

Diversity Committee Member, Burke Lopez

Burke Lopez


Diversity Committee Member, Ambrose McCallAmbrose McCall


Diversity Committee Member, Connie MontoyaConnie Montoya

New York

Diversity Committee Member, D.L. Morriss

D.L. Morriss


Diversity Committee Member, Robert Romero

Robert Romero

San Francisco

Diversity Committee Member, John Ryah

John Ryan

Diversity Committee Member, Mellissa Schafer

Mellissa Schafer

Los Angeles


Diversity Committee Member, Kate Schnake

Kate Schnake


Diversity Committee Member, Stephanie Laird Tolson

Laird Tolson




Mansfield Certification 2023-2024

2024 LCLD Compass Award Winner

2024 LCLD Top Performer

Annual DEI Report