25th Annual Labor & Employment Seminar – Virtual for 2020

October 26 - 30, 2020

Monday, October 26

The Labor & Employment Year in Review: Is it Over Yet?

Hinshaw labor and employment attorneys from the Midwest, East Coast, and West Coast will address developments in the ever-changing landscape of employment law claims, including significant court decisions, changes to state and federal law affecting their region as well as other important trends, legislation and decisions of which every employer should be aware.

Midwest Session

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East Coast Session

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West Coast Session

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Tuesday, October 27 

Whistleblower and Retaliation Claims in the COVID Era

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More employees are returning to their places of work as the economy continues to open up. Employers are working diligently to provide the safest possible working environment for their employees. Inevitably, however, some employees may not agree with the steps that are being taken. These employees may become "whistleblowers." Employers face a patchwork of laws that protect employee whistleblowers. As an ever-increasing COVID case load across the U.S. and winter arrive, employers should learn all they can about whistleblower protection and anti-retaliation laws across a spectrum of federal and state laws. Employers will also learn anti-retaliation best practices and receive a survey of the current case landscape.

Wednesday, October 28

Recent Updates in Employment-Related Immigration: Gazing into the Crystal Ball at the Year Ahead

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The past year has seen major upheaval in the world of employment-related immigration law and compliance. It seems like there have been major changes affecting the ability to hire and retain highly skilled foreign nationals nearly every day. Presidential proclamations, agency policy memos, emergency regulatory rulemaking, and court orders have made it nearly impossible to follow new developments in this area. The Business Immigration and Compliance team at Hinshaw will provide: a recap of the major changes in this area over the past year, the legal implications of these changes, and insights into what to expect in the year ahead, as well as best practice recommendations.

Thursday, October 29

Do Your Workplace Screening and Monitoring Policies Acknowledge Employee Privacy Rights?

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This session will examine federal and state privacy laws that impact or regulate the relationships that employers have with their employees and persons who apply for employment. The legal topics for discussion include the use of employer policies that provide for digitally screening applicants, monitoring employees' use of workplace IT resources, regulating employees' personal use of social media, drug screening employees and applicants in states where medical or recreational use of marijuana is legal or disfavored, inquiries about employees' genetic data, the law on the personal autonomy of employees, common law privacy tort claims over workplace practices, and the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act. The conversation will include concrete examples of various employer policies and potential alternatives for employers to consider using in order to better manage workplace privacy risks.

Friday, October 30

Advice on Tap

Join us for the ever-popular Advice on Tap session where Hinshaw attorneys will spend the hour answering your most pressing labor and employment questions.