Mohamed Sweify to Moderate Two Panel Discussions at the New York State Bar Association's (NYSBA) Dispute Resolution Section Fall Meeting 2022
New York-based attorney Mohamed Sweify will co-moderate two panels on October 20, 2022, at the New York State Bar Association's (NYSBA) Dispute Resolution Section Fall Meeting 2022. The panels are titled "Arbitration, Mediation and Mixed Modes: Seeking Workable Solutions Med/Arb -Arb/Med- Theory – Part I: The Processes" and " Part II: Arbitration, Mediation and Mixed Modes: Ethical Considerations of Switching Hats."
A discussion of mixed arbitration modes, mediation, and the use of their combinations involving multiple or single neutrals, including ethical considerations, obligations, and rules, will be analyzed.
For more information, including on CLE, and to register, visit the NYSBA's website.