Anthony Davis Quoted in Bloomberg BNA Article "New York Okays Temporary Practice by Outside Lawyers"
Anthony E. Davis was quoted in the Bloomberg BNA article "New York Okays Temporary Practice by Outside Lawyers." The article discusses the recent ruling allowing lawyers licensed outside New York to engage in temporary law practice in the Empire State.
In the article, Anthony Davis showed support for this rule stating "It's clearly a recognition, very belated in New York, that this is the way lawyers practice in the United States." He also noted that the ruling does not apply to the situation where a lawyer lives in one state but practices law remotely from an office in another state where the lawyer is admitted to practice. Mr. Davis explains "For example, a lawyer may live in New York and commute to New Jersey or Connecticut, it's a stretch to say the lawyer is temporarily in New York, and the lawyer arguably may be engaging in unauthorized practice there."
Read the full article "New York Okays Temporary Practice by Outside Lawyers" on the Bloomberg BNA website. Please note subscription may be required.