Janis Meyer Quoted in Article About the Importance of Due Diligence in the Wake of the Panama Papers Leak
Janis M. Meyer was quoted in the article "Law Firms Look for Lessons—and Clients—in Panama Papers Leak" published by The American Lawyer on May 12, 2016.
The article notes that, in the wake of the Panama Papers leak, law firms are looking for opportunities to assist clients who may have been impacted. With respect to law firms, Ms. Meyer states that law firms should look upon this as a wake-up call and is quoted as saying "[f]irms would be well served to take this opportunity to review their client intake procedures." She also states that large firms working internationally must also perform due diligence on their local counsel to ensure that they maintain high ethical standards. "People get caught in getting the deals done," she said. "There should be standardized procedures in law firms for retaining or hiring local counsel."
Read the full article "Law Firms Look for Lessons—and Clients—in Panama Papers Leak" on the American Lawyer website. Please note subscription is required.