How U.S. Companies Without E.U. Assets Should Approach Business Contracts in the GDPR Age
In an article published by The Privacy Advisor (an IAPP publication), Hinshaw partner David Levitt considers the impact on U.S. commercial contracts of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) privacy law. In particular, he considers whether American companies without significant EU-based assets should agree to sign any of the contract addenda—such as standard contractual clauses or binding corporate rules—that vendors, customers and others are issuing in response to the GDPR. Adopting a perspective largely unexplored by other legal commentary, Levitt argues that thanks to the Uniform Foreign Country Money Judgments Recognitions Act the answer may well be "no."
Read the full article on the IAPP website
"How US companies without EU assets should approach business contracts" was published by The Privacy Advisor, April 23, 2020