David S. Weinstein in Politico and WIOD: What impact will interactions between prosecutors and Judge Ellis have on jury in Manafort trial?
Hinshaw partner and former federal prosecutor David S. Weinstein spoke to Darren Samuelsohn of Politico, as the jury in the Manafort trial prepared to head out for the weekend. News reports have testified to some sharp exchanges between presiding Judge T.S. Ellis III and the prosecution during the trial. Weinstein also spoke on the First News with Jimmy Cefalo show of Miami's 610 WIOD.
Weinstein said the ultimate object of the prosecution is to have the jury "like you and agree with your theory of prosecution." "Having a judge who is always sparring with you can work both ways. The jurors might see the judge's harsh treatment of you, feel sorry for you and give you the benefit of doubt on an issue. Or they might accept the judge's view of your behavior and hold it against you.”
Read "Cranky judge, flawed witness threaten Mueller's Manafort case" on Politico's website