David S. Weinstein Talks with USA Today about Lev Parnas' Bid for Leniency
Hinshaw's David S. Weinstein was recently quoted in a USA Today article titled "Lev Parnas, ex-Rudy Giuliani ally, wants to testify against Trump to win leniency. Sound familiar?" The article explores similarities between Michael Cohen and Lev Parnas, an associate of President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Parnas, who is facing criminal charges related to political scandals, has come forward with documents that he argues could "prove critical in the Senate impeachment trial" in an effort to gain leniency in his own case.
Weinstein, a formal federal prosecutor, suggests Parnas is clearly auditioning for federal prosecutors and offering to provide substantial assistance. "Although the information he is providing to Congress has really nothing to do with what he is charged with, he is nevertheless making a case that his cooperation with the impeachment inquiry should be worth some consideration in his pending criminal case," he said.
Read the full article on the USA Today website
"Lev Parnas, ex-Rudy Giuliani ally, wants to testify against Trump to win leniency. Sound familiar?," was published by USA Today on January 16, 2020