
Hinshaw's Professional Liability Practice attorneys have substantial experience in handling the shareholder and employment claims that are commonly made against directors and officers of both public and private companies. This practice falls within a broader range of expertise in representing fiduciaries and others named in their official capacities as members of governing boards and governmental agencies. Thus, we have frequently represented directors and officers of nonprofit mutual benefit associations, and other not-for-profit organizations.

We commonly represent directors of homeowner associations and other private self-governing boards. Additionally, we represent elected and appointed government officials on a wide variety of claims arising out of their service. We are also frequently appointed by insurers that issue management liability policies to charitable organizations, cities, private companies, and counties and towns. Similarly, we serve as counsel for insurers that underwrite fiduciary liability policies issued to bankruptcy trustees and receivers, pension trustees, registered investment advisors, title and escrow agents, trust companies, and other fiduciaries.

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